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Augusto De Luca

Erano i primi anni novanta, per essere precisi il 1991


It was the early nineties: precisely, 1991


Ricordo bene infatti che la conobbi ad una cena in casa sua. 


I remember it well. I met her at a dinner at her place


Lei era bellissima, delicata ed eterea


She was beautiful, delicate, angelic


Leggendo la sua biografia capii dalla data di nascita che il suo segno zodiacale era il leone


I read her biography. I noticed her date of birth. She was a Leo


Mi ricordai allora che a casa della mia amica Valeria Carità, in un antico palazzo a Monte di Dio, avevo visto un grande leone di pietra. 


It came to me that my friend Valeria Carità had a big lion statue at her house in an old palace in Monte di Dio in Naples


Immediatamente organizzai tutto e il giorno dopo io e la Fracci ci recammo in quella lussuosa casa


I arranged everything very quickly. The day after, Fracci and I went to that luxurious old house.


“il leone è il mio segno zodiacale!”, mi disse.


“I am a Leo,” she told me.


Dopo qualche prova e pochi scatti capii che avevo la foto giusta. Finalmente potevo rilassarmi


After some rehearsal and a few shots, I knew I had gotten it right. Now I could finally relax.

Carla Fracci, Italy's greatest ballerina of the 20th century. Born 20 August 1936, died 27 May 2021.

Augusto De Luca is a photographer and performer. He has worked as a professional photographer since the mid-1970s, and his work has portrayed many celebrities. His style is characterised by particular attention to composition and the expressive elements of the framed object. Images of clear realism are juxtaposed with others in which forms and signs correlate and evoke the lessons of metaphysics. His work has been exhibited in Italy and beyond, and his photographs appear in public and private collections, such as the International Polaroid Collection (USA), the Bibliothèque nationale de France (Paris), the Municipal Photographic Archive of Rome, the National Gallery of Aesthetic Arts of China (Beijing), and the Museum of Photography in Charleroi (Belgium).

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